Do you want to be clean on the inside? Your thoughts, your conscience, your memories.
Read MoreIt might not surprise you to know that about 1/3 of all charitable donations are made in the month of December.
Read MoreOne of my favorite stories in the Bible is about a son, one of two brothers, who asks his wealthy father for his inheritance. He leaves home for a distant land.
Read MoreWhen you go to a symphony performance, you will often hear the sound of cymbals ringing out at a climax in the music. Or perhaps a loud ringing sound of a gong will be heard.
Read MoreMy friend Richard is an amazingly successful man in many areas of his life. Anyone looking at him will think this guy's got it all together.
Read MoreI love the story in Luke 15 about a woman who has 10 coins, but she loses one. She lights a lamp, sweeps her floor, and searches carefully.
Read MoreWhere I live in Portland, Oregon, we don't get a lot of severe weather. But one winter, we had a terrible snowstorm.
Read MoreHow long will you suffer? How long will you cry?
Read MoreOne of the most amazing things about God is that He has no boundaries. He is infinite.
Read MoreI have a friend who is an amazing athlete. He played multiple sports when we were growing up, and he seemed to be headed for stardom, and he was.
Read MoreWe all need help at times. Maybe you're a self-sufficient person and you're disciplined.
Read MoreI have plenty of good friends that I love. It's fun to celebrate birthdays and holidays with them or just hang out and watch sports.
Read MoreTrouble comes to each of us that walks this earth. I wish it was different. But this is a fact.
Read MoreYour days are probably pretty busy, just like mine are. But if you're constantly working, talking to people, making plans, texting, and checking social media, you get the picture; you might not be doing some other things that really matter.
Read MoreAfter a busy day of meetings, phone conversations, recording sessions, and travel preparations, I'm ready for a little downtime. I love to get home and watch sports, a football game or maybe work in the garden.
Read MoreWhat does a person of hope look like? Listen to this prayer in Psalm 71.
Read MoreAt memorial services, there are often candles among the flowers and the photos. And in a place where tragedy has struck, sometimes a candlelight vigil will be held with mourners standing together in the darkness holding lights.
Read MoreWhere do you find refuge? The word means to run to a place for protection.
Read MoreWhen we were kids, we feared such things as thunderstorms and darkness, and we would run to our parents for comfort and reassurance. Now that we're older, our fears are fed by disease, hurricanes, terrorists, and inflation.
Read MoreIf you read the gospels, you will notice that nearly every time Jesus talked with someone, he used a new approach. Every conversation was different from the others. Why is that?
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