All of us have sinned.
We’ve thought and done things that fall short of God’s perfect plan for us. Our sin could separate us from God for all eternity, but our loving Father always had a plan in mind to rescue us from the death we deserve.
God sent Jesus to save us.
He lived a perfect life—healing people, loving them, and teaching them about God. He was put to death like a common criminal on a cross. When He died, He willingly took the sins of the world—yours and mine—and paid the penalty in our place. He offers forgiveness to all of us.
On the third day, Jesus rose from the grave, displaying to the whole world that He has the power to give all of us everlasting life in Heaven with Him.
Receive God’s free gift of love.
You can receive His Son Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord. You can ask God to forgive your sins and help you to start a new life in Him today. Pray this prayer now to ask Jesus into your life…
I receive You as my Lord and Savior. You came to earth to lead us back home to God. I accept Your forgiveness for all the ways I have hurt You and others. Help me to live like You—a life overflowing with love, peace, and joy. I want to follow You always!
Did you pray this prayer and ask Jesus Christ to be your Savior?