Where do you go for help?
We all need help at times. Maybe you're a self-sufficient person and you're disciplined. You've got your life under control. For today, you don't feel like you need help.
But that's today. What about tomorrow? You might not need any help today, but one day you will. We all will.
I want you to remember these words. There is a place to go for help. The creator of the universe wants to help you. Ask Him, and He will. He will do it His way. And He is creative. He is powerful. God takes His time. He is the giver of help.
Psalm 30 says, "Oh Lord, my God, I call to you for help. And you healed me."
No matter your circumstances today, my friend, always remember there is hope with God.
“There is a place to go for help. The creator of the universe wants to help you. Ask Him, and He will.”
Psalm 30:2
“O Lord my God, I cried to you for help, and you restored my health.”