When Fear Strikes
When we were kids, we feared such things as thunderstorms and darkness, and we would run to our parents for comfort and reassurance. Now that we're older, our fears are fed by disease, hurricanes, terrorists, and inflation.
We have a wonderful Heavenly Father who loves us and invites us in those moments of fear to run to Him for comfort. The Bible tells us that the eternal God is our refuge, and underneath us are the everlasting arms.
Once, Jesus was out on a stormy sea in a boat with His disciples. The men were terrified because of the howling winds and the huge waves that were breaking over the boat.
Jesus was asleep, but the men went and woke him up, saying, "We're going to drown." He calmed the storm, but He also pointed out to the disciples that they should have trusted Him.
When you're deathly afraid, turn to Jesus. He will either calm the storm or He will ride it out with you, but His presence will hold you up.
“When you're deathly afraid, turn to Jesus. He will either calm the storm or He will ride it out with you, but His presence will hold you up.”
Deuteronomy 33:27
“The eternal God is your refuge, and his everlasting arms are under you. He drives out the enemy before you; he cries out, ‘Destroy them!’”