Do you feel overwhelmed by the darkness of this world?
Read MoreWhat have you heard about God? Have you heard that He's too busy dealing with the problems of the world to care about you?
Read MoreThere is darkness and hatred, and evil all around us. After a while, it starts to feel normal. Evil becomes standard—goodness seems so rare.
Read MoreI met a woman full of grief. She had just lost both her mother and father, and she told me her heart was broken.
Read MoreYou may have heard people say, God is not like us. His ways are not our ways. This is true, but it's also true that we are made in His image.
Read MoreThere was a time when I moved from place to place looking for a fresh start, thinking maybe here, maybe now…
Read MoreHave you ever wondered who wrote the Bible? The Bible is the most well-preserved historical document in the world…
Read MoreWhat if I told you the Bible is more than a book—it’s a way for us to know the God of the universe?
Read MoreWhat’s the point of the Bible? The Bible does contain instruction, but it’s really not a manual of direction for how to be holy. It’s not a textbook for becoming a spiritual expert.
Read MoreThe Bible tells us the true story of Jesus coming to earth to rescue us from our sins and to restore us to relationship with our loving creator.
Read MoreAt the beginning of time, God created light. And from that moment on, He has been and always will be the light of the world.
Read MoreAnother Christmas has come and gone. Maybe you’re still cleaning up the mess from your family celebrations.
Read MoreThis Christmas, I hope you feel the love and guiding presence of Jesus. As we celebrate the miracle of His birth—God in human form—let’s remember that He was not only born to be the Savior of the world.
Read MoreHow is it that the God of the universe became so small? He entered the world as a tiny baby.
Read MoreChristmas is a season of miracles and expectation. The birth of Jesus was not a complete surprise to the Jewish people; they’d been waiting for a savior to come for a long time.
Read MoreGod is a rock- unmoving, stable, secure, a shelter, a refuge, a place of stability and safety.
Read MoreJesus tells us that life in Him is like having living water in your soul.
Read MoreOur failures don't change God. Do you remember the story of Jesus and His disciples at the Last Supper?
Read MoreWho was the first to announce the birth of Jesus? Actually, it was a star.
Read MoreDid you know that Jesus foretold His own death? Often we think of Jesus dying on the cross as a tragedy, and we may even think it was cruel that God would let that happen.
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