Have you heard about God? What have you heard?
Read MoreIn a world full of harshness and hurry, there is one who offers you shelter and rest.
Read MoreLong ago, King David wrote these words in a song to God, he said…
Read MoreListen to these beautiful lines from Psalm 11…
Read MoreListen to the words of Psalm 19…
Read MoreSorrow comes to us in different ways. Sometimes, the pain of this world walks through our door and sorrow settles into our souls.
Read MoreDo you ever feel like something's missing in your life? Think about it right now.
Read MoreGod is a rock- unmoving, stable, secure, a shelter, a refuge, a place of stability and safety.
Read MoreA father cares for their child. Shows them the way to walk through the world. A father protects and provides.
Read MoreGod is our dwelling place. Immanuel means God with us.
Read MoreHave you noticed that almost every movie and song is about love?
Read MorePsalm 46:10 says this: Be still, and know that I am God!
Read MoreIn this world of division and hurry, and constant work, peace is hard to find. It can sometimes seem like one problem ends and then another one begins!
Read MoreAre you on a quest to find yourself? That inner journey of discovery.
Read MoreA major issue that can hold us back from sharing our faith is when the vibrancy of our own relationship with God begins to wane.
Read MoreYou know, people hear things about God. They may hear the satire on Saturday Night Live.
Read MoreJoy is the emotion, the posture in life we are all longing for. The word joy means an emotion of delight or happiness found by something exceptionally good or satisfying.
Read MoreOne of the ways that God shows us His identity as a loving creator is through the world around us- beautiful sunsets, growing plants, amazing animals, the moon and the stars, and so much more!
Read MoreDo you know that you are wonderfully made? We can spend so much time thinking about what we don’t like in ourselves.
Read MoreI was recently speaking with a group of women in a prison in Panama. As I shared my story of hope, I could tell that many of these women were so broken from the inside out.
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