God Is Not Like Us

A believer in Christ was sitting next to an elderly man on the bus. He struck up a conversation with the older gentleman and eventually asked him if he was a Christian. “No!” the man replied. “I have had a negative experience with Christians. They treated me badly.” Perplexed the Christian asked, “But sir, has Jesus Christ treated you badly?” “Certainly not,” the old man replied. Then he realized that he had no quarrel with God; it was men who had let him down.

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Not Enough

Are you afraid of not being enough? There’s a famous chapter in the Bible – Proverbs 31 – which describes the ideal woman. As I read through it I think, “Well, I’ll never be like that.” I end up feeling discouraged, and full of self-criticism.

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In the Storm

Once when the disciples of Jesus were out at sea in the middle of a storm, Jesus came to them, walking on the water. He said, “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” Shortly after that, as Jesus got into the boat, the wind died down. But it was while the storm was raging that Jesus told them not to be afraid. Why? Because He was with them.

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Jesus Deals with Women

I love to read the stories in the Bible, of Jesus dealing with women who were hurting. There was a woman who was full of demons, a woman who had five husbands, a woman who had been bleeding for 12 years, a woman who had been accused of adultery, a woman grieving her brother, a woman grieving her only son. Jesus dealt with each one with compassion.

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Miracles of Jesus

When Jesus was here on the earth, He did many miracles. Lots of people wanted to get close to Him only because of what He could do for them. They were not as interested in who He was, or how they could give God glory – but were hungry for the bread He multiplied and the healing that came from His touch. But we learn a lot about who Jesus is through what He did.

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