Unexpected Forgiveness
Jay loved hanging out with his dad. They would go to the bar in the evening to talk and drink. But one night Jay drank a few too many beers. As he drove home, going too fast, he hit a train. His dad was killed instantly.
While Jay lay in the hospital, consumed by the guilt of having caused his father’s death, a minister came into his room. Jay confessed what had happened and the preacher bluntly told him that he also could die any time, so he needed to receive Jesus Christ.
Jay didn’t think that God would have anything to do with him after what happened. How could He forgive someone who killed his own father?
But the minister didn’t give up, and finally Jay opened his heart to Christ. Instantly, he felt peace. He knew he had been forgiven.
No matter what you have done, Jesus offers you forgiveness and peace.
No matter what you have done, Jesus offers you forgiveness and peace.
1 John 1:9
“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”