Have you experienced rejection? Listen to this passage from the book of Ephesians in the Bible…
Read MoreI’ve said this to myself so many times: Remember, Andrew, you are forgiven.
Read MoreWe don’t have to let our differences exclude people from feeling welcomed into the family of God. Some people associate Christianity with certain political views or what they might have to give up.
Read MoreThe Bible tells us that God is rich in mercy. Have you heard this before?
Read MoreHaven’t you ever longed to see God with your own eyes? If you have asked Jesus to be Lord of your life, then one day you will see Him face to face!
Read MoreOne of the most beautiful things about salvation in Jesus Christ is that we cannot earn it, and we could never even deserve it.
Read MoreMy friend Mark was single for many years and during those years I could see that he was becoming increasingly selfish and self-centered.
Read MoreDid you know that as a follower of Jesus, you are carrying Jesus around with you in your heart wherever you go?
Read MoreSo many things can prevent us from sharing the Gospel, but one of the most common thoughts is, “I just don’t want to bother people. I don’t want to be rude by making them feel uncomfortable.”
Read MoreWhat do you say when someone says, “Tell me about yourself”?
Read MoreDo you know that God wants to talk with you today? No matter where you are on your journey, you have access to God in prayer.
Read MoreIf you ask a young child what job they want to have when they grow up, they usually dream big, right?
Read MoreWhen you were a kid, did you ever imagine yourself as a superhero? I think we all wish for the power to do amazing things.
Read MoreI saw a video of my husband and I when we were engaged. So many years ago, so young, just beginning our life together.
Read MoreI was reading the book of Ephesians in the Bible. And in chapter three, the apostle Paul wrote these words…
Read MoreAs my kids have graduated from various stages of their education, I have always wished them success.
Read MoreThe greatest lie the enemy of our souls will tell us is that God is not good. But the questions come.
Read MoreI’m impressed by some of the young men who pastor churches in our area.
Read MoreDid you know the deepest part of the ocean is nearly seven miles deep? It’s in the western Pacific Ocean and it’s filled with weird creatures that are adapted to the extreme environment down there.
Read MoreThere is a beautiful picture in the Bible of the relationship we have with God. He is our heavenly Father because He has adopted us into His family.
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