Stronger on the Inside


I saw a video of my husband and I when we were engaged. So many years ago, so young, just beginning our life together.

We never could have imagined the things that would come our way. The heartache and the loss that we would face. The tears that we would cry together.

Everyone feels pain in life—disappointment—we cannot escape it. The truth is that we can face it with hope, or without.

With hope, we get older on the outside, but stronger on the inside. Without hope, we can become cynical, hard, bitter.

The beautiful thing is that it's never too late to begin your journey of hope. Hope is a person—Jesus—and He wants to begin this journey with you.

You will face unexpected things in your life. How do you want to face them?

Always remember there is hope with God.

“With hope, we get older on the outside, but stronger on the inside.”

Ephesians 1:18

 I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope he has given to those he called—his holy people who are his rich and glorious inheritance.