A few years ago, Time Magazine published a list of the most influential people in history. The list included 100 people who contributed to society in a variety of ways.
Read MoreIn the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus warned against 3 things—specifically, about doing 3 things for the wrong reason. Do you know what they are?
Have you ever considered what your mission in life is? I ask because sometimes, people get so caught up in the day-to-day motions that they forget we’re called to be living with a purpose.
Read MoreA few years ago, after a festival, a young man-call him, Joe -approached me. He said, “Luis, how can I share the Good News?
Read MoreHave you ever felt forgotten? Maybe your name was left off the invite list. Or your friends and family were too busy for you.
Almost everyone knows the Golden Rule, and knows that Jesus said it, but many aren’t quite sure how to live it out.
Read MoreIn our fast-paced culture, it seems like everything is done online. We have friendships online through Facebook, and Twitter, and Instagram.
Read MoreI have a friend who grew up in a very religious home. As a child, she was taught that reading the Bible should be the responsibility of the male patriarchs in her church—and she should simply listen to their wisdom.
Read MoreAre you ready to meet God? You know, one day we all will meet God, whether we like it or not. And here's the question, are you ready?
Read MoreA man went running and twisted his ankle. When he went to the doctor, the doctor asked, “how did this happen?” and the man said, “I don’t know!”
Read MoreOne common phrase I have heard in my years of evangelism is, “you just don’t know how much I’ve sinned…” or “God wouldn’t understand the mess I’m in!” Or, “God would never forgive me for what I’ve done
Read MoreHold unswervingly to this hope, he who promised is faithful. Psalm 113. “The Lord is exalted above all the nations…
Read MoreI was driving with my son recently, when he asked, “How did you get around before Google Maps?” I laughed, and told him, “When I was younger, we didn’t have GPS at all – just paper, fold-out maps.”
Read MoreYou've heard the idea that you can't take it with you, right? So when you die, you can't take it with you.
Read MoreHave you ever been fishing with a little kid? Most of fishing is waiting. Little kids are fine with this for about 30 seconds. Then their attention starts wandering.
Read MoreSummertime is always full. It’s the time when we plan vacations to see friends and family, go camping, take swimming lessons, and plan outdoor parties and barbeques.
Read MoreLet's pray this together; Psalm 25:4-5 “Show me your ways, oh Lord, teach me your paths…
Read MorePsalm 40, this is for you today. “I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and he heard my cry…
Read MoreThere are those in Oregon who enjoy the outdoors year-round, but I find it much more pleasant to go on hikes in the summer when temperatures are warm and I don’t have to sidestep any mud puddles. There are some amazing trails in the Columbia River Gorge that emerge into stunning views.
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