The Right to Speak

The other day I was watching a movie and heard the classic line, “You have the right to remain silent.” For some reason, my mind immediately jumped to telling people about Jesus and I wanted to shout, “And, you have the right to speak!”

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Combating Fear and Anxiety

Dr. Billy Graham, one of my mentors and a fellow evangelist, once said, “The Bible is not an option. It is a necessity.” Often, when people struggle with fear or anxiety, I see them turn to self-help books, lectures, and so-called “experts” for advice on how to cope.

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Growing Faith

Each of us has been given a measure of faith in God, but it won’t grow on its own. Athletes will tell you that they grow stronger by pushing the limits of their ability and endurance, and we must do the same with our faith in God, and His Son, Jesus Christ.

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