Summer in the Pacific Northwest is truly fantastic. Finally, the clouds part and the sun shines brightly.
Read MoreThe other day I was watching a movie and heard the classic line, “You have the right to remain silent.” For some reason, my mind immediately jumped to telling people about Jesus and I wanted to shout, “And, you have the right to speak!”
Read MoreDo you ever doubt God's faithfulness? I do. I have and I'm not proud of it. But in dark seasons, I think we all have times where we doubt that God is faithful.
Read MoreDo you have a place in this world prepared for you? Every Christmas, my family traveled from the United States to Jamaica to be with my family. I was born and raised in Kingston, Jamaica.
Read MoreDr. Billy Graham, one of my mentors and a fellow evangelist, once said, “The Bible is not an option. It is a necessity.” Often, when people struggle with fear or anxiety, I see them turn to self-help books, lectures, and so-called “experts” for advice on how to cope.
Read MoreYou and I need the peace of God. These are dark and trying days—but take heart, God is still good.
Read MoreHave you ever experienced a tough time in your life? I know I have! There have been several seasons in my life when things were hard.
Read MoreA huge source of anxiety is the idea that no one else will take care of us. Many people think, “I will not be taken care of. It’s all on my shoulders.”
Read MoreEach of us has been given a measure of faith in God, but it won’t grow on its own. Athletes will tell you that they grow stronger by pushing the limits of their ability and endurance, and we must do the same with our faith in God, and His Son, Jesus Christ.
Read MoreDo you feel like you are in a storm right now? In a storm, when thunder is booming and rain is blowing in your face—it’s very hard both to SEE and to HEAR.
Evangelism is not simply an exercise in communicating. To be truly effective, evangelism must be a work of the Holy Spirit, released through prayer.
Read MoreWhen we see him for who he is, it changes how we see ourselves, it changes how we see the world around us, and it changes how we even see our children.
Read MoreEvangelism can be a lonely task. After all, proclaiming the Gospel can require leaving your comfort zone and stepping out in faith.
Read MoreDo you just want to be safe? For your family to be protected?
Read MoreAbout 4:00 a.m. little Olivia was startled to tears by an ambulance siren in the street. When the babysitter had put Olivia to bed in the evening, she had forgotten to switch on the night light.
Read MoreI’ve just been reading Psalm 119 again, and I got excited. This psalm is all about how wonderful God’s Word is. Every verse – and there are 176 in the psalm – has something to say about how powerful and how precious it is.
Read MoreWhat does God say about fear? Knowing the answer to this question will help you the next time you feel afraid—because all of us face fear on a daily basis!
Read MoreBob is a farmer in eastern Oregon. He first heard me preach in 1978 and immediately got the vision for an evangelistic outreach in his hometown of Athena – population just over one thousand.
Read MoreDid you see the movie, “War Room”? In it, a Christian pastor was viewing a house that was for sale. When he went into a certain closet he could sense that a lot of praying had been done there.
People have always been fascinated by interesting stories, and with the advent of the internet and social media, these stories are now more readily available than ever. When a natural disaster hits - we all know within minutes.
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