No Lost Causes
One common phrase I have heard in my years of evangelism is, “you just don’t know how much I’ve sinned…” or “God wouldn’t understand the mess I’m in!” Or, “God would never forgive me for what I’ve done.”
Satan likes it when we feel as though our sin is so bad that even Jesus will forsake us. But you know what? The Bible says just the opposite. In the book of Hebrews, God says, “I will never leave you or forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5).
Friend, never means never! There is nothing you could possibly do, no dark thought or twisted dream or sinful past that could stop God from loving you.
Sure, God does not condone cruel or sinful behavior—but God will never outright leave you. He will never say, “You are a lost cause.” God wants you. He wants your heart. He wants to show the world His mercy and grace and transformative power through you. The question is, will you let Him?
Today, run to God. Confess your sin. Be honest with Him. You’ll never understand the depth of His transformative power until you confess to Him who you really are. And share this truth with people around you. Nobody has fallen too far from Jesus.
“There is nothing you could possibly do, no dark thought or twisted dream or sinful past that could stop God from loving you.”
Hebrews 13:5
“I will never leave you nor forsake you.”