Don't be Distracted
Summertime is always full. It’s the time when we plan vacations to see friends and family, go camping, take swimming lessons, and plan outdoor parties and barbeques. Kids are out of school, and parents take their vacation time so that the whole family can go to the beach or the lake.
All of these things are good, but when we get too busy, we can forget to focus on God.
God wants us to enjoy this beautiful Earth he’s given us, with the people whom we love.
There’s nothing wrong with having fun and reconnecting with loved ones. What’s wrong is when those adventures take us away from staying close to Christ in His Word and in His Church. It is then that those good things can become idols.
It’s like when Jesus went to visit Martha and Mary. The Bible says that Martha was distracted by serving and preparing the food. This was an important thing that needed to be done, but Jesus said that Mary, who sat and listened to Him, had chosen the best thing. (Luke 10:38-42)
Our choices should never keep us from Christ. Instead, in the good times, we should be free to follow Him better, because we are filled with His joy and purpose.
Then others will see that the good news of Christ doesn’t just apply when times are tough. Christ’s good news is for the good times, too.
“Our choices should never keep us from Christ.”
Luke 10:41-42
“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered. “You are worried and upset about many things. But few things are needed. Really, only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better. And it will not be taken away from her.”