Be Rooted in Christ
There are those in Oregon who enjoy the outdoors year round, but I find it much more pleasant to go on hikes in the summer, when temperatures are warm and I don’t have to sidestep any mud puddles.
There are some amazing trails in the Columbia River Gorge that emerge into stunning views. On the way to the viewpoints, though, I always love looking at the trees.
Oregon has some of the world’s largest evergreens which create blankets of green on the hillsides, year round. Their shade can drop the temperature by ten degrees. The wind rushes through them, creating a shush-ing noise that is peaceful and relaxing.
Here’s a lesson from the trees: The part of the tree that we see is only part of the picture. Underground are intricate root systems that keep the tree nourished and upright, standing tall and strong. We can’t see the roots, but they’re there.
I remember once seeing a huge, beautiful oak tree that had toppled over. It looked fine on the outside, but the roots had rotted away. It wasn’t alive anymore, and so it fell.
This is how we are, too. We must be “rooted and built up in Christ,” as it says in Colossians (Colossians 2:6-7). We can put on a good show, but unless our roots are strong, we can never be truly living. Our strong roots will demonstrate to others that a life with Christ means growth, health, and peace. That’s really living!
“We can put on a good show, but unless our roots are strong, we can never be truly living.”
Colossians 2:6-7
“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”