Read the Word, Share the Word
I have a friend who grew up in a very religious home. As a child, she was taught that reading the Bible should be the responsibility of the male patriarchs in her church—and she should simply listen to their wisdom.
At a time when Bibles weren’t widely circulated, I understand how this occurred. But my friend, Scripture is God’s Word. It is much too important to be left exclusively to biblical scholars.
Theology is too vital to be solely for theologians. God intends to be present, and part of our everyday lives. His Word is not only for discussion in highbrow academic settings, or by people who have degrees from Bible colleges.
The power of God’s word can change lives. Sometimes, this works when we listen to a Bible scholar or a pastor share a message—sure. Other times, God works in our own hearts, in the comfort of our own homes, as we ourselves read through His word on our own.
Today, I encourage you to pick up a Bible and read the book of John. Ask God to show you His Wisdom. As you read and understand His word, you will be better equipped to share His good news with people in your life.
“God intends to be present, and part of our everyday lives.”
Colossians 3:16
“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.”