Are you feeling out of control right now? Here’s truth for you, today—your life can be held by God, the One who holds all things secure.
Read MoreIt’s easy to hear pastors or evangelists like me say, “Go share the Gospel!” and think, “Sure, Andrew, I do intend to get to that later.” But the reality is, the Gospel is an urgent message.
Read MoreOn either coast of the United States, you can see grand monuments to financial empires.
Read MoreA young woman who worked in our office – I’ll call her Danielle – came from a very dysfunctional family. As a child, she endured all sorts of terrible things.
Read MoreWhen you gave your life to Jesus, the Holy Spirit of God came and took up residence inside you. You became a new person.
Read MoreSharing the Good News of Jesus with someone else is the most kind and loving thing you can do.
Read MoreMost of us have a built-in need to be safe and secure. We spend huge amounts of time perfecting the right diet, the right exercise routine, the right medical regimen, the right home environment.
Read MoreDo you have a secret? Maybe something you've done that haunts you—maybe an addiction or a sin that no one knows about? And you are wrestling?
Read MoreDo you have children? One of the most difficult journeys I've had as a mother is realizing my limitations in my children's spiritual lives.
Read MoreDo you have some behaviors and habits that feel like never-ending cycles? Maybe something you do to yourself or to others that continues to discourage you, but you don't seem to be able to change?
Read MoreHave you ever been in a rough season of a relationship and wondered, “How can I get this person to change?” It’s tempting to think about— “If only I could fix this one thing about them…everything would work out.”
Read MorePeople have opinions, lots of opinions, right? And unfortunately, we launch them off into the world so easily and quickly, and frequently.
Read MoreFrom the youngest of ages, I had a never-ending discontent. This led to a longing to figure out who I was
Read MoreWhat is the most precious thing you have? Your husband or your wife?
Read MoreThis world is a harsh place. Life is harsh.
Read MoreSometimes I think Christians forget how urgent the Gospel message really is. We think, “Once I’m comfortable with this person, then I’ll share the Good News.”
Read MoreI’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “Don’t put God into a box.” What it means is this: don’t put limitations on God.
Read MoreI remember as a young mother looking at my babies and thinking, ”Who thought it would be a good idea to give us these two tiny people and expect us to guide, protect, provide for them?
Read MoreWhen I’m at the gym I notice that when it comes to conversation there are two kinds of people. Some seem to be compulsive talkers who will start a conversation with anybody willing to listen.
Read MoreListen to these words of wisdom from the book of Proverbs: “Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire; he defies all sound judgement.”
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