Stillness Leads to Peace
Psalm 46:10 says this:
Be still, and know that I am God!
What does it mean to be still? In our current culture of more, more, faster, faster, it can feel very strange to just sit still.
The stillness in this verse describes not only the stillness of the body but also the stillness of your mind and your heart. It means that we are to set aside our racing thoughts, our ever-growing to-do list, and simply let your mind rest on this one thing: God is God, and we are not.
I challenge you to try to do it, just for five minutes! He is infinitely powerful, He is the wise God. Let God’s peace come in and calm every anxious thought.
Be still, remind yourself: He is God.
Remember, there is always hope with God.
“Let God’s peace come in and calm every anxious thought.”
Psalm 46:10
“Be still, and know that I am God!”