God Is Our Dwelling Place
God is our dwelling place. Immanuel means God with us.
And He says, come and dwell with me. Live with me. I came and lived with you as a baby, and then as a man. So that you could live with me. One day in eternity, yes. But also, now today.
The Psalmist writes in Psalm 84,
“How lovely is your dwelling place, Oh Lord Almighty, My soul yearns, even faints For the courts of the Lord. My heart and my flesh cry out for the Living God.”
In ancient Israel, God's dwelling place was the temple. But now through the work of Jesus on the cross He has made His dwelling in us.
Always remember, there is hope with God.
“Through the work of Jesus on the cross He has made His dwelling in us.”
Psalm 84:1-2
“How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord of Heaven’s Armies. I long, yes, I faint with longing to enter the courts of the Lord. With my whole being, body and soul, I will shout joyfully to the living God.”