Who Holds Your Life?
Are you feeling out of control right now? Here’s truth for you, today—your life can be held by God, the One who holds all things secure.
Picture this with me right now…God’s powerful, strong hands, holding your life in just the right place.
This is not only beautiful, it is possible. Will you trust Him to hold you steady? He is actually directing and guiding your life, even now! And if you choose to, you can lift your eyes to Him.
There is such peace to be found in God’s promises. And they’re for you. God wants to give His peace to you and every person who will come to Him.
You can receive the offer of Jesus. The one through whom all things were made can hold your life secure. He can bring peace, and rest, even in the middle of life’s storms.
Invite Him to be the Lord of your life, today.
Always remember there is hope with God.