Searching for Myself


From the youngest of ages, I had a never-ending discontent. This led to a longing to figure out who I was. I ended up going to art school. I thought maybe this was the place I could immerse myself in self-expression.

So I devoted myself to figuring myself out.

But this was a dead end for me. The more I looked in, I saw darkness. Out of this place, I began to cry out to God, begging Him for help. In His kindness, He revealed Himself to me. And when I saw Him, Jesus, I realized He had everything I wanted.

Are you on a similar quest?

The Bible says there is a way that looks right to a person, but in the end, it leads to death. There is a way to find all you ever want, but it is found in Jesus.

There is a way to find all you ever want, but it is found in Jesus.

Proverbs 16:25

 There is a path before each person that seems right, but it ends in death.