It’s Not Too Late
Have you ever tried to buy happiness?
The Bible tells us an amazing story about a son who asks for his inheritance early. He left his home and family and wasted all his money on wild living. It wasn’t too long before he found himself working for a pig farmer, so poor—starving—he longed to eat the slop intended for the pigs!
In desperation, he swallowed his pride and headed home to beg for his dad’s help and for his forgiveness. When his dad saw him coming, he ran to him and embraced him.
And he told the servants to prepare a feast, and he said., “This son of mine was dead and has now returned to life. He was lost, but now he is found.” And the party began!
Have you messed up? Have you lived for pleasure and found yourself only half alive?
It’s not too late. Turn around and run to Jesus. He will joyfully welcome you with open arms. True joy is found only in Him.
“It’s not too late. Turn around and run to Jesus. He will joyfully welcome you with open arms.”
Luke 15:24
“For this son of mine was dead and has now returned to life. He was lost, but now he is found.”