What God Does


What does God do in heaven? That’s a silly question, isn’t it? Because God isn’t like us at all and doesn’t do things the way we do.

But I read this the other day: “A defender of widows and a father to the fatherless is God in His holy dwelling.” There is so much mystery in these verses, but what does it reveal? What can we know?

In His perfect place, God is a father and defender to those who need it most. His posture toward the world, to humanity, is this – absolute care for people.

I pray this moves you as much as it does me. You might have an earthly father, but you feel like an orphan. You might have a husband who is alive, but you still feel like a widow. God in His dwelling is for you.

Always remember, there is hope with God.

“In His perfect place, God is a father and defender to those who need it most. His posture toward the world, to humanity, is this – absolute care for people.”

Psalm 68:5

“Father to the fatherless, defender of widows— this is God, whose dwelling is holy.”