Prayer List


If the Palau Association came to your town to hold a festival, we would encourage you to write a prayer list. On the list are the names of five people you would love to bring to the festival in hopes that they would meet the Savior.

Well, we might not be in your area in the near future, but I want to suggest that you write a prayer list anyway.

There are friends, relatives, coworkers around you who do not yet know Jesus. Make a list of their names – usually four or five is a good number. Put the list somewhere you will see it regularly [– on your phone or on a slip of paper in your Bible.]

Then pray that God will give you opportunities to discuss matters of faith with them. And He will! Pray that they will receive Jesus as their Savior. 

Remember that the Bible says that God wants all people to be saved. He loves to make use of us in that process.

“Remember that the Bible says that God wants all people to be saved. He loves to make use of us in that process.” 

1 Timothy 2:3-4

“This is good and pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth.”