Pray for Your Children
I was meeting with a large group of church leaders in Buenos Aires last year. At the end of the session, one pastor came up to me, along with his wife, and told me about the heartbreak he was experiencing because of his son.
This young man was far from God, struggling with addictions. The father feared for the boy’s life and health, but mostly for his eternal salvation. He asked if I would pray with him. We did pray – fervently, passionately, expectantly.
As the pastor left, I asked him to let me know if his son came back to the Lord. Well, a few months later, I received the news that the young man had been radically saved. His father was thrilled, and deeply thankful.
I share this story to encourage you to never give up. Keep praying for your children even if they seem so very far away from God. He loves them even more than you do, and wants them to come home to Him.
Always remember, there is hope with God.
This is Andrew Palau.
“Keep praying for your children even if they seem so very far away from God. He loves them even more than you do, and wants them to come home to Him.”
1 Timothy 2:1
“I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them.”