The Sinful Woman
Listen to this amazing story.
Jesus was invited to dinner by a leader, a powerful man. But it says that a woman “who had lived a sinful life” in that town learned that Jesus was eating there and she stood behind Him weeping. She wet His feet with her tears and wiped His feet with her hair.
What an intimate, personal thing to do! And how brave of her! But the people who had invited Jesus were not happy. They were offended.
The beautiful thing that I love about this story is Jesus’s response.
He honors her. He didn’t ridicule or abuse her.
He forgives her. He takes her sin, her pain, her regret.
He offers her peace. The word “peace” here means wholeness.
My friend, this is Jesus’s posture towards you. Always remember, there is hope with God.
“My friend, this is Jesus’s posture towards you.”
Luke 7:50
“And Jesus said to the woman, ‘Your faith has saved you; go in peace.’ ”