The word refreshment can bring to mind a cold lemonade after a strenuous bike ride or sweet tea on a breezy porch. It could be a mug of hot chocolate in a mountain lodge after a day of skiing or snowboarding.
Refreshments can restore your energy, your joy and your spirit.
Wait, can a glass of lemonade really do all that?
The Bible mentions springs of water where travelers can be refreshed. In Psalm 23 we read about God leading us by quiet waters. The next phrase says He refreshes my soul. God provides us with water but He Himself is the true refreshment.
You can be refreshed daily by reading God's word, drinking deep of His truth and by talking to Him in prayer.
As you are spiritually renewed yourself, you can share God's refreshment with others around you who are thirsty for truth.
“You can be refreshed daily by reading God's word, drinking deep of His truth and by talking to Him in prayer.”
Psalm 23:2-3
“He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams. He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name.”