He Will Sustain You


What are your troubles today?Are you burdened or overwhelmed? Maybe just irritated.

Listen to these words from Psalm 55 from The Message. ‘Pile your troubles on God’s shoulders—He’ll carry your load, He’ll help you out’

Do you believe this?

Instead of letting your worries rattle around in your mind…

Instead of trying to solve an unsolvable problem right now…

Instead of allowing fear to creep in and anxiety to take hold…

Pile your troubles on His shoulders! He is big enough to carry your load. He is able to help you and calm your fear. Turn your heart to him right now—wherever you are—your thoughts…

Maybe even pray out loud... where ever you are. Give your troubles to Him.

Always remember there is hope with God.

“Pile your troubles on His shoulders. He is big enough to carry your load. He is able to help you and calm your fear.”

Psalm 55:22

 “Give your burdens to the Lord,
    and he will take care of you.”