Offer Forgiveness
I saw a quote that said: The first to apologize is the bravest. The first to forgive is the strongest. And the first to forget is the happiest.”
Forgiving others can be hard to do, especially if they have wronged you on a deep level. But if you want your life to radiate God’s love, then forgiveness must be offered.
“We love because He first loved us,” we read in First John chapter 4. God’s love for us is so great that He made a way for us to be forgiven completely for every wrong thing we have done.
Jesus died on the cross to pay the price we owed for our sins. So as we live out God’s love, it must include forgiveness of others.
Has someone wronged you? Hurt you in some way? Take that first leap and forgive them, even if they have not apologized.
You will be freed from resentment and bitterness and will have a chance to talk to them about Jesus and His forgiveness.
“If you want your life to radiate God’s love, then forgiveness must be offered.”
1 John 4:19
“We love each other because he loved us first.”