Just driving into the office these days can be a frightening experience. Doesn't it seem to you that drivers are even more impatient than ever?
Many of them are racing to make it through the intersection as the light turns red or zipping from lane to lane in an effort to get ahead. And they get angry if they think you are getting in their way.[ Maybe they never heard the fable of the tortoise and the hare when they were kids.]
In reading First Corinthians chapter 13 in the Bible, I notice that patience is the first quality in the list describing what love is. That must mean it is important.
"Love is patient," it says. God loves us, and He is certainly patient with us. I want my life to reflect the love of God, which means I need to be patient also, no matter how someone frustrates me.
As a parent, it's a good thing to remember. I should treat my children as God treats me – with love and patience.
“God loves us, and He is certainly patient with us.”
1 Corinthians 13:4
“Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud.”