Heal and Restore


It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that the world is broken. People self-medicate, constantly seek methods of self-help, and are just plain selfish, self-centered when it comes down to it. But our focus on self hasn’t fixed any of our problems.

The truth is, only the power of Jesus can transform our broken lives into the lives God intended.

That is why we share the Good News. Because we know from experience the power of the Gospel to change lives. 

God wants to see the world healed and restored. What He did in my heart, what He’s done for you, that’s what he desires for everyone else on earth.

We’re the ones to share that.  Consider who in your life needs to hear the Gospel. Who is broken and needs healing? Everyone! God wants to use you to reach your world to heal and restore. 

“The truth is, only the power of Jesus can transform our broken lives into the lives God intended.”

Psalm 30:2

“O LORD my God, I cried to you for help, and you restored my health.”