Greater Love Has No Man Than This


Is there anyone in your life that you love so much—that you would die for them? I think most of us would say: “Of course there is!” I’d sacrifice my life for my children. I’d die for my spouse—those I truly love more than life itself. But when it comes right down to it, it’s a difficult thing to promise.

The Bible says the greatest example of love is—laying down your life for a friend. Jesus did that and more—He laid down His life for us when we were not even His friends!

Because He loved us, He took the first step toward rescuing us—sacrificing Himself to die a criminal’s death on the cross—when we were enslaved by sin and did not know Him.

In Jesus’ compassion…

He couldn’t bear to see us perish.

He longed to repair humanity’s relationship with God.

He took the punishment we all deserved.

He paid the price to offer us a new and eternal life.

Will you accept His offer?

“He laid down His life for us when we were not even His friends!”

John 15:13

There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.