Videos from Wendy
Are you ready to meet God? You know, one day we all will meet God, whether we like it or not. And here's the question, are you ready?
Let's pray this together; Psalm 25:4-5 “Show me your ways, oh Lord, teach me your paths…
Psalm 40, this is for you today. “I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and he heard my cry…
Do you ever doubt God's faithfulness? I do. I have and I'm not proud of it. But in dark seasons, I think we all have times where we doubt that God is faithful.
Do you have a place in this world prepared for you? Every Christmas, my family traveled from the United States to Jamaica to be with my family. I was born and raised in Kingston, Jamaica.
When we see him for who he is, it changes how we see ourselves, it changes how we see the world around us, and it changes how we even see our children.
The same concept holds true for our spiritual lives: We must keep our hearts fixed on eternity to keep our balance in this world.