Your Healer
Do you need healing? Jehovah Rapha is the Hebrew name for God our healer.
Sometimes we're afraid to ask for healing. We're afraid to believe. But it's impossible to read about the life of Jesus and not clearly see that He healed over and over again. He is the one able to heal.
We ask with faith, but we ask with submission- God will do what He is going to do. We don't get to dictate what and how God heals.
For some of us, our healing will come one day when we see Him face to face. And for some of us, He will choose to heal us right now, today.
Whatever God is doing in your life, it doesn't change the fact that He is Jehovah Rapha, your healer.
“We ask with faith, but we ask with submission- God will do what He is going to do.”
Psalm 30:2
“O Lord my God, I cried to you for help, and you restored my health.”