Who is Jesus?


I spend a lot of my time talking about Jesus, telling people about what He has done for them. And I love to do that!

Why? Because of who Jesus is. There has never been anyone else like Him. 

For one thing, Jesus is God. He is infinite and eternal.  He is the Christ – the One who fulfills all the Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah. 

The Bible says Jesus is the Savior, the Deliverer, the Redeemer. He died on a Roman cross as a sacrifice for us, to give us forgiveness and salvation. He truly is, as John 4:42 says, “the Savior of the world.”

God’s Word says that Jesus is the Victor, Overcomer, and Conqueror. He physically rose from the grave, having defeated sin and death.

Jesus is worthy of all our worship, and our trust. That’s why I want to spend my life telling others about Him and the beautiful life He offers.

“God’s Word says that Jesus is the Victor, Overcomer, and Conqueror. He physically rose from the grave, having defeated sin and death.” 

John 4:42

“Now we know that he is indeed the Savior of the world.”