My Dad


I want to tell you about my father, Robert Levy. Growing up in Kingston, Jamaica he was always getting into trouble. He never finished high school because he had dyslexia.

His mother became a Christian at a Billy Graham crusade in Jamaica and as a result my father gave his life to the Lord. The first book he ever read cover to cover was the Bible.

This made a massive difference in his life. He changed from a high school dropout into a leader in the nation, a master of business, and a man who loves sharing Jesus with others.

His secret is that each day he studies the Bible and talks to God in prayer. This has changed his entire life!

What is your story? Do you make it a priority to know God? He loves you and is waiting to meet with you. He will change your life! 

“He (God) loves you and is waiting to meet with you. He will change your life!”

John 10:27

“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.”