Where is your security found?


Have you ever been in a conversation and suddenly felt the need to defend yourself?

Sometimes we do it without even realizing it. Something makes us feel attacked, and before we know it, our shields go up and a friendly conversation turns sour.

Though we don’t like to admit it, underneath the need to protect ourselves is a sense of personal insecurity and the deep belief that if we don’t protect ourselves, no one will.

In Psalm 28, David sang

The Lord is my strength and shield.

I trust him with all my heart.

He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy.

I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.

What if we listened to the words of this ancient, true song more than the lies of our own insecurity?

If we trust that the Lord Himself is our strength and our shield, we will have no need to get defensive in our relationships.

Put your trust in God today, and find deep safety and security in His unfailing promise of love and care.

“If we trust that the Lord Himself is our strength and our shield, we will have no need to get defensive in our relationships.”

Psalm 28:7

“The Lord is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart.
He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy.
I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.”