We Need What Only God Can Give
The world is often a scary and a sad place. People fight with words and with weapons. We lose people we love and sometimes we struggle to love people.
The apostle, Paul, said in Romans 8,
… all creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to this present time. And we believers also groan, even though we have the Holy Spirit within us as a foretaste of future glory…
Each of us long for Christ’s return—but even as we ache for His return, we can rejoice in His promise.
When the angels came to visit the shepherds, they announced news of “great joy that will be for all people.” Joy!
Jesus’ birth brings joy to anyone who receives Him as Lord. This doesn’t mean their lives are instantly perfect, but that joy can abide right alongside pain and suffering.
Share His joy with your world, today.
“Jesus’ birth brings joy to anyone who receives Him as Lord.”
Luke 2:10
“And the angel said to them, ‘Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.’”