A Savior Is Born
Do you need a savior? You might say to me, Wendy, I'm fine. I'm my own savior.
Can I tell you something? One day, you'll realize you are not enough to save yourself. You do need a savior—I need a savior.
It's humbling to realize, and it's humbling to accept, and it's humbling to receive. But here's the good news…God lifts up the humble.
So that means, Christmas is for you. Listen to the words of Luke 2,
“Today, in the town of David, a savior is born to you. He is Christ the Lord.”
Receive the salvation He offers. Saved from sin, saved from death, even saved from yourself.
Why don't you humble yourself this Christmas? Recognize that you need a savior, because…He has come for you.
“It's humbling to realize, and it's humbling to accept, and it's humbling to receive. But here's the good news…God lifts up the humble.”
Luke 2:11
“The Savior—yes, the Messiah, the Lord—has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David!”