The Servant Leader
In recent years many CEOs have been adopting the strategy of servant leadership. It turns out that companies where bosses lead by serving show higher job satisfaction, less employee turnover, and better productivity.
It's a good business practice, and who demonstrated this better than anyone else? Jesus Christ. Of course.
Jesus told his disciples in Mark 10, "Whoever wishes to be first among you must be the servant of all, For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but rather to serve and even more to give his life as a ransom for many."
Jesus still invites us to follow him on the path of service. He is the perfect example of a servant leader. He is God, far above any position we could ever aspire to. And yet he humbly took on a servant's role here in our world and even gave his life for you and for me.
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“Jesus still invites us to follow him on the path of service. He is the perfect example of a servant leader.”
Mark 10:44
“And whoever wants to be first among you must be the slave of everyone else.”