The Main Character
Have you ever thought about this: That the author of the story of life has written himself into the story?
Jesus tells His friends in John 16 that He came from the Father, and He entered the world.
And we're told in John 1 that the Word, that is, Jesus, became flesh. And He made His dwelling among us, the creator and the author of life came to the created- to us.
God is the author, and this world is His story. And His compassion was so great that He wrote Himself into the story when He came and He gave His life as a ransom for you and for me.
Is He a part of your story? Will you allow Him to write your story of life? When you walk with Him, He will write a beautiful story.
“God is the author, and this world is His story.”
John 1:14
“So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son.”