Stories of Hope
My wife recently compiled a book of stories written by women whom God rescued from difficult and tragic circumstances. It’s called Stories of Hope.
What struck me in reading those accounts was the many, varied ways God reached out to each one of those women.
One young woman, in desperation, began to talk to the ceiling as she lay in bed, not knowing if there was any deity who would hear her. Months passed and she realized that her prayers were being answered. One night she gathered the courage to ask the ceiling, “Do you have a name?” And she heard the answer: “Jesus.”
Each story tells of God reaching out in a surprising way to draw someone to Himself.
He doesn’t use only missionaries and evangelists to save a lost soul. He might even use you!
Be watchful for opportunities to share God’s love with someone who needs to hear the Good News.
“He doesn’t use only missionaries and evangelists to save a lost soul. He might even use you!”
John 3:16
“For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”