Seek Peace
In this world of division and hurry, and constant work, peace is hard to find. It can sometimes seem like one problem ends and then another one begins!
But there’s a kind of peace that does not come from those outward circumstances. And it doesn’t require the world to settle down. It’s a kind of peace that comes only from God, and it’s deep and it’s lasting.
In Psalm 34, King David writes,
Search for peace, and work to maintain it.
There’s a kind of peace that only comes from having a clear conscience before God— turning away from evil, pursuing what is good, and knowing that all your sins and failures of the past are forgiven by the cross of Jesus Christ.
Do you want to know that kind of peace today?
Turn to Jesus right now. Ask Him to give you a new start in life. He is faithful to do it.
Remember, there is always hope with God.
“There’s a kind of peace that only comes from having a clear conscience before God…”
Psalm 34:14
“Turn away from evil and do good. Search for peace, and work to maintain it.”