Seeking Shelter


In Oregon, we have a lot of beautiful hiking spots. We also have a lot of rain. Sometimes a day can seem beautiful, perfect for going on a long hike. Once you start down the trail, though, the sky gets dark. The clouds come out, and oh no, rain!

At that moment, you have a decision to make. You can keep going forward, hoping that the rain will stop. You can turn back, knowing that you will only get wetter. Or you can find shelter and wait for the rain to pass.

Our world is often gloomy, raining down sadness and fear. We have three choices, as those who follow Christ.

We can forge ahead on our own, hoping we can survive based on our own strength. We can turn back and return to our old ways. Or we can find shelter in God, seeking a place to rest until the rain lets up. Then we can go out again and walk the path He’s given us.

The Psalms call God “our steadfast love and fortress, our stronghold and deliverer.” Other translations call God “our strong tower,” an image that communicates safety and security.

When the rain of life is too strong to keep going, we should run to God and find rest from the rain within his strong shelter. Whether that is in reading the Scriptures, in prayer, or in a community of fellow believers.

If we seek shelter in God, we can find the strength to continue to live for Christ and reach the world for Him.  

“When the rain of life is too strong to keep going, we should run to God and find rest from the rain within his strong shelter.”


Psalm 91:1-2

“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, ‘My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.’ ’’