Why Pray for Fellow Believers?


The world is dark and scary these days. Fear can paralyze us from doing God’s good work in the world. How do we get out of this fear and frustration, when the world can be so dark?

One way is to realize we are not alone. There are Christians all over this country and this world who are following Christ despite many difficulties.

Life can be hard here in the United States with economic and cultural difficulties, but life for Christians in parts of Asia and the Middle East is often far more difficult and dangerous. Others can feel threatened by the way of life of the Christians, and so they terrorize Christ-followers through threats or even death.

A way to get out of our own fear is to pray for those around the world who are spreading the love of Jesus even in the face of losing their lives.

Like the Apostle Paul did, we can pray for fellow believers all over the world. We can find out their names and stories on websites of missionary societies. We can pray that Christ will strengthen our brothers and sisters.

If we do this, hopefully our brothers and sisters in Christ will feel strong enough to face each difficult day, and we will be united across the world.

Their strength can give us strength as we seek to live for Christ in this dark world. That is a beautiful ministry.

“A way to get out of our own fear is to pray for those around the world who are spreading the love of Jesus even in the face of losing their lives.”



Ephesians 6:18

“Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.”