Our Father
When I was a little boy, age 10, my father passed away. Thankfully, I received Jesus as my personal Savior at age 12, and God’s role as a father in my life became very real.
Like most boys who look up to their dad, I looked up to my Heavenly Father for wisdom, encouragement, and direction. And you know what? He has never given me bad advice. Through the years, my friends’ fathers have also passed away—but God, our Father up in Heaven, will always remain.
The Bible says in Matthew 23:9, “for you have one Father, who is in heaven.”
In this world, many people live without a dad for some reason or another. There are sad situations where dads leave their children, or where relationships are strained. But God promises to always be there. He is always available. He is always by our side.
“Though my father and mother abandon me, the Lord will pick me up,” Psalm 27 says.
Who in your life needs the good news of Jesus, our Father, this week? Think about it. It may be a fatherless child, or someone whose dad hasn’t shared with them the good news of Jesus. Then, pray for that person, and look for an opportunity to share with them about our Heavenly Father—who will never leave us or forsake us.
“God promises to always be there. He is always available. He is always by our side.”
Psalm 27:10
“Even if my father and mother abandon me, the LORD will hold me close.”