The Power to Forgive
It’s obvious to all of us that people are hurting in our world today. Many people feel marginalized and misunderstood. In some parts of the world, followers of Jesus are in real danger of harm.
It would be easy, then, to feel angry and bitter towards the people who are persecuting us. Yet, as followers of Jesus, we are called to demonstrate forgiveness to others, just as God forgives us.
The Bible says in Daniel 9:9, “The Lord our God is merciful and forgiving, even though we have rebelled against Him.”
If God forgives our sin, we must obey His call to be forgiving towards others. His forgiveness of sin is a miracle. So don’t expect that your forgiveness of others will be anything less. Forgiveness is a miraculous work.
It is easy to show kindness and respect towards someone who treats us well, but it takes utter humility, courage, and great faith to behave this way towards someone who treats us poorly.
Consider today whether you may need to forgive someone who has wronged you. Pray for the courage to find grace within your heart. Then, go forward with courage!
There’s no better way to reach your world than to show the world that you are a child of God, and you live by His standards of love, mercy, and forgiveness.
“It is easy to show kindness and respect towards someone who treats us well, but it takes utter humility, courage, and great faith to behave this way towards someone who treats us poorly.”
Colossians 3:13
“Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.”