He Will Never Abandon You
Our relationships with family members and friends are always changing, aren’t they?
Sometimes we stay close and often we grow apart. At times, friends or loved ones shut us out of their lives or abandon us, even, for reasons we can’t understand. Has that ever happened to you?
If so, you know how hard it can be to let down your guard and actually trust someone again. I want to tell you today, Jesus will never abandon you.
Once you decide to give your life to Him, He will send His Holy Spirit to live inside of you—permanently. That’s what He was talking about when He made this promise to His followers before departing from the earth—He said, “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.”
Will you dare to open your heart to Him? He will be closer than the closest friend, and He will not change His mind about loving you, no matter what.
“He will be closer than the closest friend, and He will not change His mind about loving you, no matter what.”
John 14:18
“No, I will not abandon you as orphans—I will come to you.”