His Heart Breaks With Yours


One of my favorite accounts in the Bible is a story of Jesus when He walks into a town, and as He's walking in there is a woman walking out, carrying her dead son to his grave.

Jesus sees her, and He is filled with compassion.

Realizing that she was in an impossible situation—a widow in ancient Israel would rely on her son—and now, the unthinkable, she had lost her son.

And Jesus saw her, and He knew her suffering, and He had compassion. And He reaches out, and immediately He heals the young man. And the response of the crowd is amazing. They say, “God has come to help his people.”

What Jesus did for this young man was a foreshadowing of what He would do for all of us—taking the burden of the sin of the world on Himself.

God has come to help His people.

“God has come to help His people.”

Luke 7:13

 When the Lord saw her, his heart overflowed with compassion. ‘Don’t cry!’ he said.