Let God Change Your Mind


Is there something you've always thought was true about the world—or about yourself, or maybe even about God—and now you're realizing you might have gotten it wrong?

We all get things wrong. The way we think tends to be shaped by the world around us. But we can let our thinking be shaped by what God tells us is true.

Will you ask God today—to show you an area where your thinking needs to change? You don’t have to change on your own. You can ask God to help you in that area—to help you to see things clearly and rightly. He will show you!

He doesn’t hide from you or withdraw from you. He wants to shine His light into your life, and into your heart, and even into your mind.

Always remember, there is hope with God.

“He wants to shine His light into your life, and into your heart, and even into your mind.”

Psalm 119:105

“Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.